The charity was setup to deliver life changing solutions to money problems and we’ve managed to support thousands of people with their debt worries throughout the UK. We do this via our telephone and internet based debt advice centre.
Our debt help team provide support on a confidential and non-judgemental basis.
Debt Support Trust is available to provide debt advice on 0800 085 0226 or you can complete our debt test below.
Debt Support Trust
Recently, Debt Support Trust has been helping an ever increasing number of people battle their debt problems. From assisting with guidance on creating token payment plans with creditors through to helping people complete bankruptcy forms, we’re taking an active stance to help people become debt free once again.
One of the reasons for our increase in enquiries is due to being featured on BBC radio and on TV. Many people didn’t realise that a charity like Debt Support Trust was available to help with debt issues. The charity is a supportive ear to listen to problems associated with money and provide relevant and timely advice.
Stuart Carmichael from Debt Support Trust said “Our radio and TV appearances have helped to bring Debt Support Trust to people in need of debt advice. The charity supports people between 8am and 7pm Monday to Friday and our debt test is available 24/7. We’re answering 97% of all our calls to the helpline within 10 seconds so people can receive immediate debt support.”
Debt Plans to Become Debt Free
There are a range of debt solutions a person may be applicable to enter. Each debt solution will have its own benefit and negative. Through receiving tailored money advice you can understand how each solution will affect you and make an informed decision over which route to take in order to become debt free again.
Some of the debt solutions include
Negotiating with creditors: Many people think that their creditors will be aggressive if they mention they have a debt problem, which is not necessarily the case. Some creditors will be happy to negotiate and support you through a difficult financial problem. We can help you with this.
Debt management: A debt management plan is an informal debt solution where you pay one set amount each month to one company and they pay your debts for you. You won’t be making your contractual payments so the debt management company will ask for the interest and charges to be frozen too, although this won’t be guaranteed. We can help you with a free debt management plan so you don’t have to pay any setup or ongoing management fees.
Debt arrangement scheme (Scotland): You repay all of the money you borrowed via the debt arrangement scheme (DAS) but do so in an affordable payment plan. The interest and charges will be frozen on your debt to help you achieve your goal to become debt free.
IVA: The Individual Voluntary Arrangement is suitable for some people who want to repay what they can afford over a set period of time. Any remaining debt will be cleared at the end of the solution.
Trust deed (Scotland): The protected trust deed is usually a 4 year debt solution and will allow you to pay one affordable amount to your debt every month. The debt which is not repaid at the end of the solution is written off and you will be debt free again.
Bankruptcy: There are a few ways you can enter bankruptcy. The different processes will depend on your statement of affairs which a debt advisor can complete for you. The cost to enter bankruptcy will vary depending on the route you take.
There are individual pages on each debt solution which fully explain the pros and cons of each route.