Our not for profit advisers are ready to listen and advise in confidence. We listen carefully to your financial problem and give you options to resolve complex money problems over the telephone and internet.
Debt Support Trust Update
It is with a heavy heart that Debt Support Trust has been forced to close our charity debt advice service. The board of Trustees and senior management felt the unpredictable nature of COVID-19 meant we could not, in good faith, continue to meet our charity objectives.
Over the past 11 years we’ve helped resolve millions of pounds worth of unsecured debt and supported tens of thousands of people through financial struggles. To everybody that called our advice line and trusted the charity to help, thank you! A debt of gratitude is also owed to our volunteers and partner organisations who referred and supported the charity.
The website will remain open and will be signposting people towards like-minded charities that can offer support. Whilst Debt Support Trust can no longer offer debt advice, it’s important that you know you are not alone. Alternative charity advisers are able to listen – in confidence – and provide advice that will enable you to once again become debt free. Obtaining debt advice is a turning point and can set you on a path to a financially happier future. Please take debt advice from a regulated money adviser.
We will be updating the website over the coming weeks to reflect that we can no longer offer regulated debt advice. For immediate debt advice from a free regulated charity, you can contact:
StepChange: 0800 138 1111
Debt Advice Foundation: 0800 043 40 50
Citizens Advice Bureau: 0808 223 1133
National Debtline: 0808 808 4000
From everyone at Debt Support Trust, thank you.

DEBT Problem
Asking for debt advice is the first step to resolving money worries. There are free debt advice organisations that can help you.

Money advisers across the UK can offer information and support to help you understand your options.
StepChange: 0800 138 1111
Debt Advice Foundation: 0800 043 40 50
Citizens Advice Bureau: 0808 223 1133
National Debtline: 0808 808 4000
You can resolve a wide range of debts including money owed to your credit cards, overdraft, loans, HMRC, payday loans, store cards and local council.
A debt adviser will complete a fact find to understand your circumstances and then advise you on all your options.
When you ask for debt advice you should feel supported in making your decision. You can ask as many questions as you wish and always ask for a second opinion too.

There are a number of different debt solutions available to people across the UK. The correct debt solution will depend on your level of debt, whether you have any assets and how much you can afford to repay towards your debt.
You can request debt help by calling a registered charity:
StepChange: 0800 138 1111
Debt Advice Foundation: 0800 043 40 50
Citizens Advice Bureau: 0808 223 1133
National Debtline: 0808 808 4000

Money Advisers
You may feel like you have limited options, but more often than not, there are more options than you thought. That’s why debt advice charities exist. A regulated money adviser can help you understand the options available, enabling you to decide on the best course of action and ultimately become debt free again.
Charity debt advice is provided on a not-for-profit basis, delivered by friendly, experienced and supportive advisers.
There are options to resolving debt and you may find you’re suitable for multiple different debt solutions. By talking to a qualified adviser you can find out more about the pros and cons of all relevant debt solutions, so you’re empowered to make an informed decision. Solutions can include a debt management plan, IVA or Trust Deed, token payment plans or bankruptcy.